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    Reflections on IaC using Terraform - Part II

    This post is a follow up on the previous one where I discussed the concept of infrastructure as code and Terraform. In this post, I will provide few useful notes I took while working on IaC projects, with examples to illustrate the techniques on two of the public providers (AWS / Oracle).

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    How to implement End-to-End TLS flow using Traefik

    An interesting usecase I have encountered recently is establishing a secure path (bridge) between Traefik as ingress controller and its destination backends.

    The post addresses traefik usage within Kubernetes, however it is applicable to other offerings.

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    Passing AWS Solutions Architect Professional Exam

    Around last September 2022, after the expiration of my previous amazon web services certificate [SAA] , I decided to prepare and take the next level professional certificate [AWS SAP].


    When you have working knowledge in the cloud and AWS specifically, it is optimal to seek first the associate level certificates since they’re information oriented with good study and practice, your chances for passing are high. By doing so, you also prepare for the professional and specialty levels afterward.

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    Ansible Roles and Reusability

    Reuse and module sharing in Ansible can be achieved through two methods: A “Role” which forms conceptually a single component and its related tasks. Second, “Content Collections” which form what we could consider as a namespace having a group of roles, in addition to “plugins” that provide the ability to craft custom modules.

    Here’s a list of some roles I have published into the galaxy over the past months: